Sunday, May 11, 2008

Frank Rich, the Music Man

Frank Rich has a column, "Party Like It's 2008," in today's New York Times. Here is the comment I posted.

Why is it that many of your columns resemble a lawyer's closing arguments? Are you trying to inform or entertain? Most nuances get trampled by the "Rich-talk" express. I expect more than cheerleading from you. One specific point. "Mr. Obama’s white support in a matchup against Mr. McCain is still no worse than John Kerry’s against President Bush in 2004." Isn't this a bit of a thin reed?
I really wish you would "get serious". For example, you could focus your attention on whether the dittoheads out there are in fact affecting the primary election results, and whether they may in fact realize Limbaugh's "dream" of a riotous Democratic Convention. I think you underestimate the power of the die-hards on the right. I agree, this is not '68, but I think this presidential election is too serious and fraught with peril for your column to start resembling "76 trombones".
Well, it's really not my place to tell you how to write your column, and I remain one of your many fans, Music Man!
Greg Bachelis
PS. Is it possible that Bill Clinton is suffering from "pump head", a common side effect of heart bypass surgery?

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